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Author Guidelines

The Journal of Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration is a general, interdisciplinary forum devoted to complementary dispute resolution scholarship. JMNA publishes articles, legal case notes, and book reviews examining a broad range of issues in dispute resolution practice and theory. All methods of scholarly and practical inquiry into dispute resolution are welcome.  Manuscripts should be practically and conceptually meaningful and interesting, clearly written, and thoughtfully argued. 


Manuscript Preparation

All submissions should be prepared for both print and online publication.  Manuscripts should be designed to advance the study and practice of the mediation, negotiation, and arbitration discipline.  The text should be directed to a multidisciplinary audience and be as readable and practical as possible.  Research articles must follow specific guidelines dependent upon method employed.  Illustrate theoretical ideas with specific examples, explain technical terms in nontechnical language, and keep the style clear.


Manuscripts should be prepared in strict accordance to the 15th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.  Spell out such abbreviations as e.g., etc., i.e., et al., and vs. in their English equivalentsin other words, use for example, and so on, that is, and others, and versus (except in legal cases, where v. is used).  The following guidelines are for all submissions:

-  Use the standard type size (12-point) and include references, appendixes, and endnotes.        -  Please keep endnotes to a minimum. 

-  Do not include graphs or statistical tables unless necessary for clarity. 

-  Do not use footnotes.  Instead, incorporate all footnoted material into the text, perhaps within parentheses. 

-  Cite all sources of quotations or attributed ideas in the text, including the original page number of each direct quotation and statistic.  If a public URL hyperlink is available, that should also be listed as http://goodoldjournal.com/jones.html. 


Manuscripts are processed by blind review.  Author identification must be removed from all pages and only appear on the title page.  Articles are reviewed by three independent reviewers including at least one member of the academic community and one active practitioner.  


Conventional Articles and State-of-the-Art Articles. These papers should be no longer than 7,500 words . Submissions should include a cover page providing title and author name(s) and contact information (address, telephone number, and e-mail address). Submissions should also include a short abstract of the article (no more than 150 words). 


Practitioner Responses, Implications-for-Practice Commentary, Book Reviews, and Training and Education Notes. These features should be no more than or 2,500 words. Submissions should contain a cover page clearly indicating the nature of the submission and providing author name(s) and contact information.

These "experience" articles are not peer-reviewed and are often shorter essays, whereas Conventional Analysis articles are peer-reviewed and are expected to be more academically rigorous .


All Papers must be submitted via e-mail as a text attachment in WordPerfect, Word or Open Office format. The Journal of Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration does not accept non-electronic submissions. 


Timing of Submission The Journal publishes twice a year, in late November/early December and late March/early April.

Submissions (articles or student notes) should be received in August/September or January and Acceptance or Rejection notices are sent out in early October and mid-February respectively.  Any submission received too late will be considered for the next issue and will not be answered until the next round is finished.

Publication Process

When a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are asked to sign a letter of agreement granting the publisher the right to copyedit, publish, and copyright the material. Manuscripts under review for possible publication in Journal of Mediation, Negotiation and Arbitration should not be submitted for review elsewhere or have been previously published elsewhere. The authors will be free to include the article in other publications as long as appropriate reference is made to the JMNA publication


Article submissions and questions regarding editorial matters should be sent to:


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